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AoE3: Hero Selected
Chili Con Carnage: Dead
Crysis: Pick up item
Fable: Targeting
Fable: Targeting
Fable: Targeting
LotR Online: Enemy engaged
When a selected enemy is engaged the inner part of the ground decal circle is filled
LotR Online: Enemy not engaged
When an enemy is selected but not engaged yet the inner part of the ground decal circle is not filled
LotR Online: Enemy engaged
When a selected enemy is engaged the inner part of the ground decal circle is filled
LotR Online: Interactable Object
LotR Online: Target Marking
LotR Online: Target Marking
Silent Storm: HUD
If you select multiple characters you see the portraits at the bottom and the tabs of all selected characters are shown active. Also non-selected characters turn away.
Wipeout Pulse: Ship Select
Wipeout Pulse: Ship Select
Wipeout Pulse: Ship Select
Wipeout Pulse: Ship Select
Wipeout Pulse: Ship Select
Wipeout Pulse: Ship Select
WoW: Feeback: Out of Range